Monday, September 20, 2010

Lurko: Il Porco Mannaro (Werepig transformation)

Lurko: Il Porco Mannaro is a webcomic about a...werepig.
There are multiple short transformations, so I'll just number them for you:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Shin-Chan (Lion Transformation)

EDIT: Fixed Link yet again!

One of the recent Shin-Chan movies (Crayon Shin-chan: Roar! Kasukabe Animal Kingdom) revolves around people being turned into animals. Alas, most of the TFs are of the flash-of-light variety (almost as annoying as "poof" TFs, and definitely near the bottom on the lousy TF scale). There was one semi-bright spot when the villain changed into a lion-beast thingy with wings--not because of the animal bit (flash-of-light again!) but because of a few seconds of muscle growth. The TF begins at the 1:24:45 mark here.