Thursday, July 2, 2015

Update complete! In addition to the four items added on Tuesday, I've included two new posts and added a video to the One Piece post. Thanks again to everyone who sent in suggestions. I didn't get around to posting all of them, but I'll try for next time. I'm extremely happy at the level of participation shown by my readers. The next update will be around July 19.

Partial update time! Four new items are below. But wait, there will be more! I'll be adding a few three more items and they should be up by Wednesday Thursday (sorry guys, but I'm wiped out). So check back then.


Drake silverman said...

well take your time there is no rush.

oh and Happy Canada day EH!

Apuleius said...

Thanks Drake! A very happy Canada Day to you too. Vancouver is one of my favorite cities.

Kumaguma said...

I found this from a video game based on a table-top RPG that was aborted but the cutscenes of it was made into a movie that shows the story of the game and what might have been. Here the transformation scene of the main character's first change:

Kumaguma said...

The title of the aborted video game is Werewolf the Apocalypse: The Heart of Gaia

Soul Ember said...

Have you thought about going through the comics on either the legacy version of Shadowlord's site or the listing of furries in comics? The legacy archive of Shadowlord's site is from before Dragoniade revamped it, which made the site lose a lot of the comics and artists they used to have. As for the list of furries in comics, not all of them deal with transformations, but there are a few that do.

Shadowlord legacy site is at

The furries in comics list is at

It would be a lot of work tracking down the comics and getting scans, but some of them have really good transformations.

Apuleius said...

Daymon: thanks for that suggestion. I'd seen that video but for some reason hadn't considered it.

Soul Ember: thank you for suggestion too! I'll have to revisit the Legacy site and see what looks good. Tracking down older comics is harder than old ones. I've seen the Furries list and had the same reaction you did. I'll revisit that too, but it will probably take a lot of time to track down the comics that might have transformations.