Thursday, December 4, 2008
Sonic: Night of the Werehog (Monster Transformation)
I get bothered when people call Sonic a "werehog". "Were" means "man"--a real werehog is a man who transforms into a hog. Sonic is already a hedgehog--all his transformation involves is growing claws and extra muscles and fur. Anyway, here's an animated short Sega put together to promote the new video game, called "Night of the Werehog." There's no time counter, but I can say that the TF is in the final third of the film. See it here.
Werepig (Pig Transformation)
Here's a Spanish claymation short about two boorish American tourists who come to a squealing end. The (anti-)American jokes are rather heavy-handed, but the claymation is very well done.
Batman: The Brave and the Bold (Animal Transformations)
(Edit: the youtube links in this post no longer work, but you can view the scenes at Shadowlord Inc., thanks to Dragoniade.)