Tuesday, June 30, 2015

One Piece (Monster Transformation)

Almost all of the many transformation scenes from this off-beat anime (which primarily involve a reindeer/human hybrid named Tony Tony Chopper) can be seen at Shadowlord Inc. (here are links for the original show, the third movie, the fourth movie, and the fifth). But Daymon has found a clip from episode 290 that's not yet on the site, so give him a hand.

EDIT: Daymon has also alerted me to a wolfman transformation in episode 286:

X-Men Evolution (Beast/Monster Transformation)

I have to thank Daymon yet again for suggesting Beast's transformation scene from the X-Men cartoon:

X-Men Evoultion Beast Transformation by kumaguma1

P.S. I recently updated my other Beast post with a link sent by Lifer.

High Moon (Werewolf Transformations)

Thanks to Lifer for alerting me to the fact that the first chapters of this webcomic about werewolves in the wild west can be freely read online. Those who don't want to read through the entire saga should know that the werewolf transformations start in part 5 (6 pages in). The entire collected series is available for purchase online at a very low price. The last chapter includes this demonic transformation:

Friday, June 12, 2015

Avengers Assemble (Bear Transformation)

As promised, here's the (slightly delayed) update! I will be updating more often, so instead of dumping 15 items every two months I'll upload two or three every couple of weeks (so expect the next update around Monday, June 29). All three items in this update were suggested or sent in by readers, and I'm still working on several other suggestions. I'm incredibly pleased that many readers have become contributors to this blog.

An example is the clip below, which was sent to me ready-made by two longtime readers, Kwipper and Makaio. It's from Avengers Assemble, season 2, episode 18 ("Secret Avengers") and features Ursa Major, whose power involves living up to his name. As you can see, the initial transformation has been slowed and repeated, so viewers can take in the details. Footage of Ursa Major in action has also been included.

Bear Transformation (Ursa Major)
Thanks for your hard work gentlemen! 

Fairy Tale 2014 (Demon Transformation)

Reader Aaron informed me about episode 56 of this anime, which features several transformations, including a scene of the bad guy turning into a demon at 12:23:

Later on the hero has a quick age regression scene at 14:13. At 18:20 he and the bad guy revert to their normal forms.

Apparently this is the second anime based on the Fairy Tale manga--the first is said to have several transformation scenes as well. I'll have to do investigate, but in the meantime, thank you Aaron!

Conan the Adventurer (Werewolf and Bat Transformations)

Reader Daymon suggested posting some of the many transformation scenes from the cartoon series Conan the Adventurer.
Clips used to be on Shadowlord Inc and Dragoniade will probably re-upload them in the near future, but in the meantime here's a taster of scenes from episode 52, "Thorns of Midnight." All of the clips have been cued.

First comes one of the best werewolf transformations from an 80s cartoon.

Thorns of Midnight

Second is a similarly well-done bat TF:

Thorns of Midnight

Lastly, two characters turned into ordinary wolves during an earlier episode transform back into human,s complete with magically-appearing clothes:

Thorns of Midnight
Thank you Daymon, for this neat blast from the past!