Friday, September 9, 2011

Zerophilia (Transgender transformation--female to male)

As readers of this blog (if there are any) may have noticed, I haven't featured any transgender transformations here. This is because the vast, vast majority of TG content on the web is of the male-into-female variety and thus geared toward the proclivities of heterosexuals who are otherwise uncomfortable watching a male transform. Well, for my part, I do not enjoy transformations where maleness is erased. I want it enhanced.

Because heteros will always outnumber homos, male-to-female transformations have become wildly popular in the past few the extent of crowding out other transformations. A good example of this is the decline of, which used to be a useful TF alert site for all kinds of transformation fans. But now the site is dominated by M-to-F TG, and I wonder why the webmaster hasn't changed the site's name to accurately reflect its real interests.

The other thing that annoys me is that while M-to-F TGs have spread like rabbits, female-to-male transformations are far more difficult to find. For whatever reason, gay artists haven't shown all that much interest in the subject (not that I can blame them--I'd also rather see a male undergoing an animal or age TF). Interestingly enough, the slack has been picked up in the least expected place for a Male to Female TF--a movie.

Zerophilia, which is about a teenaged male who discovers the ability to change into a woman, not only features multiple M-to-F scenes, but also a pretty hot female to male scene--the only one of its kind I've ever seen in a movie, and by far the best of its kind I've seen anywhere, thanks to some simple but subtle morphing. Here's hoping we see more gals turn into guys in the years to come.

EDIT: For several years I had to rely on unreliable links to this scene, but now I can rest easy and direct viewers to Dutchbull's site. Click here for the clip.


  1. I have to agree that F-M is a very rare occurrence; my own search has turned up few examples and none on video until this posting.

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thanks for commenting. I agree, and it's unfortunate that future examples of F2M will likely be close to impossible to find.
