Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Guess who's back?

I have returned! Below are 13 fresh updates. I apologize for my longer-than-planned absence. I was on vacation for most of August and when I returned, it took a while to get back into my usual routine. The idea of updating the blog started seeming like work and I kept putting it off until too much time had passed. I even toyed with quitting altogether. But now all is well, and I'm gunning for one million views. Thanks to everyone who wrote in with suggestions for updates. If I didn't get around to including your selections this time, I'll try to do so in the near future. In the meantime, enjoy, and let me know if any links or videos don't work.


  1. Thanks very much! It's good to be back.

  2. Welcome back!

    I didn't leave many comments here so far, but I'm following this blog for some time. Quite a great collection you got here! Hope you've had a great holiday.

  3. Thanks Prowler and thank you for following the blog. It was a great holiday--perhaps too relaxing, since it took me so long to get back to updating!

  4. Sometimes you need really long breaks to take your mind off things. Forgetting everyday shits, just enjoying the moment and feeling totally relaxed. Hopefully your holidays were the same.

    And that's an awesome profile pic you've got there! Love that crazy werewolf. :D

  5. So uh, when's the next update?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Scratch tomorrow, alas. Too much Holiday hurrying. Hopefully on Christmas day though.

  8. Well I do wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new Year, I don't write here often but I do look a few times a week if there is something new.
    I am very delighted that you are back and do hope you survive the holidays... with all the Food these days it's gonna be hard not to explode ^^

  9. Okay then, maybe on the 30th.
    PS. Where do you get your resources from?

  10. Dear Maniac,
    Thank you for the holiday wishes--a very Happy New Year to you! I survived the food, and the update is late, it's now happened. I'm going to try and update more often for folks like you.

  11. Dear Anonymous,

    You guessed correctly--I updated on the 30th! As for resources, most of it just involved frequent use of google. I'm not particularly good at tech stuff but I squeak by.
