Metamorphose is an anthology of short comics drawn in the late 1970s by Osamu Tezuka, the "Godfather of Manga." The fifth story is called "Woobit" and involves werewolves...and a rabbit.
A quick summary: after a werewolf gets killed, the demon that caused its lycanthropy infects a rabbit, so every full moon it becomes a wolfish monster ("wererabbit" would be incorrect, since "were" means "man").
Let's start with the rabbit's owner witnessing its transformation. Remember to read right-to-left!
The rabbit-wolf escapes into the wild and is tracked down by its owner. He's joined by a werewolf hunter who turns out to be a werewolf:
The owner and hunter finally track down the monster bunny. Witness their final battle:
Guess that makes him a Lagothrope
ReplyDeleteI think you're right!