Sunday, March 13, 2011

News Update 2

Just in case you were thinking of seeing Red Riding Hood, keep in mind that the film does not have any werewolf transformation scenes. I have verified this with people who have seen the film. It's a real bummer if you happen to know what happens in the film's last scene. It's also another example of a frequent disappointment encountered by male TF fans: the anticlimax of filmmakers hiring an utterly beautiful actor to the play a werewolf but never putting him go through a decent transformation. Examples of this include the Twilight films, True Blood, The Gates, and the Vampire Diaries.


Adam Sass said...

Lame! This click your fingers, now the beautiful man is a wolf crap has got to stop!

Unknown said...

this saddens me, i had high hopes.......the only reason i rented new disappointed

Apuleius said...

Adam--I agree--this madness ends now!
Reggie--I downloaded the film for the same reason and was similarly disappointed.

If anyone is curious who the TF opportunity in Red Riding Hood was wasted on, I'll be happy to divulge spoilers.

Unknown said...

i already spoiled the plot by reading on line.......sadness....ill just go watch Being Human....again.....