Monday, November 15, 2021

Supernatural (Shapeshifter Transformation) & Fixed Links

Note: this is a repost of a video originally featured in a TF Video Roundup from 2017. Since all of the roundup links are now broken, we've created a new post for the link we were able to fix.

Ian Ricky provides us with this shapeshifting scene from the TV series Supernatural (Season 1, Episode 6, “Skin”). As he explains, "It features an antagonist called a shapeshifter, or shifter for short, from a race of supernatural creatures who can take the form of any human being. Shapeshifters can take on a living or dead person's physical appearance by shedding their skin. This transformation features a shapeshifter who already shapeshifted into one of the main protagontists, Dean Winchester (Jensen Ross Ackles) and goes through another painful process of shapeshifting." (Some behind-the-scenes photos can be viewed here.)

We have also gone back and fixed several broken video links from other old posts. They are:

"Blue Exorcist" (Demon Transformation)

"Fairy Tale 2014" (Demon Transformation)

"Onyx Equinox" (Jaguar Transformation")

"Mutant Mass" (Muscle Growth Transformation")

"Erotic Ghost Story" (Demon Transformation)


Anonymous said...

This is one of the extremely rare episodes where you can see Jensen Ackles shirtless, and I watched the whole series (15 seasons - about 300 episodes).

Ian Ricky said...

That's why this video must be treasured XD