Thursday, July 19, 2012

Site Updates and a Hello to International Viewers

First, there's a new post below this one, so do check out the Corrector Yui videos.

Second, I've fixed several broken video links! You can now see updated videos for:
* Hyrcania (Werewolf TF)
* The Regular Show (Skunk TF)
* Adventure Time (Werewolf TF)
* Lola (Female to Male Transgender TF--very rare!)

Third, I would like to say hello to my international readers. This blog has been in operation for slightly more than four years and has 187,423 page views.
Where do they come from? Well, take a look at these stats:

United States:       103557
United Kingdom:  14365
Germany:             11187
Canada:                8201
Australia:              4220
Japan:                  3065
Mexico:                2768
Spain:                   2186
France:                 1944
Italy:                     1902

I am delighted to have so many readers from around the world! I'm especially surprised at how many readers are from non-English speaking countries. Now, I happen to know that lots of cartoons and other shows that air in Europe and Asia never make it to American TV. Plus, lots of European and Asian comics remain unknown in the U.S.
So please dear readers, if you see a good Transformation scene in a non-American cartoon, movie, TV show or comic, tell me about it! I might otherwise never know. Our friends aboard receive more than enough American exports, but Americans rarely receive enough of theirs.
 I know that our friends in Germany and France, for example, watch many cartoons Americans know nothing about. And in Japan there must be thousands of unknown manga and anime with TF scenes. Even nations close to the US, like Canada and Mexico, have their secrets, along with English-speaking nations like the UK and Australia. And let's not leave out our friends in Spain and Italy! No matter where you are, I'm interested in hearing from you!

Lastly, I'm going on vacation in early August and won't return until September. Before then I hope to make at least two major posts, on an Argentinian soap opera and a classic anime series.


Anonymous said...

I posted one year ago about an age progression TF scene in a French cartoon, but you didn't post it. I give you again the link :

TF starts at 0'40.

Apuleius said...

Thank you for reminding me of that, and my apologies for forgetting. I went ahead and made a post on your discovery, which you can see now. Thanks again very much!