Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Art Round-Up 10/18 (Fox, bird, tiger, bear, and werewolf transformations)

October's pickings:

A fox TF comic found on Pixv (log-in required)

A Chinese webcomic that involves dudes turning into tigers. Keep scrolling down to reach the TF. Do the same to find a shorter TF in this chapter.

A weird bird TF from an unidentified manga, found by the Wolf's Eyebrow, a Japanese TF blog.

Kivuli has found and recommended the following NSFW items:  An animated werewolf transformation ... another one ...and another, this time in gif form, along with another gif! We're spoiled for choice here!

Here is a recommendation from lamarcodon: "MondoArt, my favorite male anatomy artist, recently drew one of his characters going through a little bit of muscle growth. And then strung the  frames together as a little animation."

Okay, now onto some twitter finds. Take note that all of these are embedded and that many are NSFW!

Here's a two-parter (NSFW!):

And here's a female-to-male-werewolf:

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