Thursday, July 19, 2012

Corrector Yui (Werewolf Transformation)

Corrector Yui is the sort of anime that doesn't make sense to anyone but 11 year olds with too much time on their hands (plus, the only videos I could find were Spanish dubs). It takes place in some kind of cyberspace realm and one of the online characters, Synchro, seems to have been infected with some kind of computer virus that turns him into a werewolf.

His initial transformation, from episode 21, is here:

Later on, in episode 40, he has a reversion scene, which I think is better (and more sensuous) than the original TF:


Ogrebear said...

Dude should not bother changing back, looks much better as a werewolf...

Apuleius said...

Yeah, as a werewolf he at least has normal colored hair!