Saturday, September 24, 2022

The Imperfects (Chupacabra Transformation)

Kumaguma with a fall update! I have some more transformations for next month. Thanks for your suggestions and hope you enjoy these scenes.

 One of the protagonists in the new Neflix series The Imperfects is a young man named Juan (played by Iñaki Godoy) who can turn into a Chupacabra (it looks like a werewolf with spikes). The series didn't give us a full transformation scene, so I've put together a clip of scenes from episodes one, six, and ten.

My Isekai Life (Draconic Monster Transformation)

Suggested by Tornado on the Discord server, in Episode 11, Walter infuses the Dragon Grace into himself which transforms into a draconic monsters. He then proceeds to battle Yuuji as he progesses more and more to break through the protagonist's defense. Here is the video thanks to Ian Ricky: 

Fuuto PI (Insect Monster Transformation)

In Episode 5, Murder reveals himself to his stalking victim and transforms into the Meganeura Dopant with a power boost as he terrorizes everyone in the building:

Masatsugu-kun's Physiological Condition (Werewolf Transformation)

This is a 2008 reprint of a manga (Masatsugu-kun no Seiriteki Jijou) originally published way back in 1993 (or 1991?). 

The story: a guy named Masatsugu drinks an experimental potion that starts turning him into a werewolf.

His friend decides to help by drinking another potion, but this gives him the ears and characteristics of a sheep. Masatsugu, at the mercy of his animal instincts, is now tempted to devour his his buddy.

Finally his friend goes too far with flirting and Masatsugu, after temporarily falling unconscious, transforms all the way:

Hamster and Gretel (Facial Hair Transformation)

 In the episode, Close Shave, the villain of the episode show he turned himself into the Van Dyke: