Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Super Hero Squad Show (Werewolf Transformation)

The 17th episode from the second season of Super Hero Squad features what might be the first first animated appearance of Jack Russell, aka Werewolf By Night. The episode pays homage to his original green pants and snout-less wolfman look.

 Enjoy, and happy Memorial Day!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Mon Colle Knights (Weretiger Transformation)

You hear a lot about werewolves, but never enough about weretigers. That's a real shame, since they're just as magnificent. Readers of this bvlog can see that I tend to feature werewolves most, since they're the most common werecreature and the easiest to search for. But I'd very much like to get in some more diversity, so let's start with this clip, even though it might be familiar to TF fans. It's from episode 18 of an otherwise forgettable anime called Mon Colle Knights, and features a boyishly handsome chap (with a suspiciously orange tan) who turns into a great hulking weretiger whenever he gets agitated. The werebeast's design (and his clothes-busting and muscle-growth) is so good it makes you curse the show for never bringing back this guy.

This clip is of better visual quality than the one that's been floating around youtube. It's in German, but for some reason that makes it all the more alluring...The transformation occurs at the 25 second mark.

There's no scene of him reverting back to normal, but you can see him post-reversion at 09:03.

Lastikman (Werewolf Transformations)

Lastikman is a Filipino superhero, and has been the subject of several Pinoy movies. The 2004 film stars John Estrada and Danilo Barrios as a father and son werewolf team (or as they're called in the movie "Taong Aso"). The transformation effects are computer generated but not as dire as one might expect, and Danilo is pretty easy on the eyes. Then again, I happen to think Filipinos are among the cutest men on earth, so I'm hardly an objective source...

The specially-edited clip below (forgive the brief visual glitches at the beginning and around the middle) includes the father and son transforming at the same time (through the magic of intercutting) and then shows the father and son returning to human form separately (and much later on in the film). Incidentally, if you happen to know of any other Filipino movies or TV shows involving handsome fellas getting beastly, do let me know...

Werewolf Transformations from Apuleius on Vimeo.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Lobo (Werewolf Transformation)

Lobo the intergalactic alpha wolf becomes a literal wolfman after receiving a mysterious bite... (Click on the thumbnails to expand them)