Tuesday, March 29, 2011

News Update 3

Dutch Bull has updated his terrific site everyone! Go there now to see videos from the American Being Human and the third season of the original BH, along with clips from a real rarity--an Indian weretiger film called Junoon!

The American Being Human has turned out to be a predictable disappointment in the TF department, by the way. It used to be said that while American films and TV shows were bad, they at least had big-budget production values. Now even that isn't even the case--the British version looks far richer in its special effects (even if its recent transformations haven't topped its first few). But the American version is really shameless--it even cheated its way out of showing a transformation that had occurred in the original!

(Edit: the next transformation in the American version is admittedly better...too bad what he transforms into looks like a giant mangy rat though.)

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