Sunday, September 15, 2013

Arania's TF Art (New Link)

A wise reader named Extrenica suggested that I include a link to Arania's Transformation art. This excellent suggestion made me wonder why I hadn't linked to her before, since I've followed her work for years. Arania is one of the longest-running TF artists on the web, and she regularly updates her massive gallery at the end of every month. Her reliability means she receives many commissions, and her work is evenly split between male and female transformees (though I think she's more comfortable drawing females; her male subjects tend to have female-sized feet and waists). She's so prolific that it would take too much space to single out particular pieces, but they can all be viewed here by scrolling down to "transformation sequences." Each sequence is labeled with the type of transformation and the sex of the transformee, and that makes browsing easy.

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