Saturday, November 9, 2013

Hakaba Kitarō (Werewolf Transformation)

After the first five anime series of GeGeGe no Kitarō, it was decided to make a show more faithful to the  the original manga. The result was 2008's Hakaba Kitarō. In episode 7 there happens to be a werewolf transformation (though in human form the werewolf looks a lot like a vampire).


Furio said...

Haha, just that freeze frame you got of his shirt ripping open enticed me enough!!! LOL Always love chest closeups... <3

Great unique finds!!! Thank you so much! :)

Apuleius said...

And thank you Furio--I love hearing your comments just as much as I love chest close-ups!

orion520 said...

so funny, how did the kid not realize that the guy was transforming into a werewolf, and Running from a Werwolf is not a very good idea, because it entices the werewolf into a Hunt frenzy