Tuesday, June 30, 2015

One Piece (Monster Transformation)

Almost all of the many transformation scenes from this off-beat anime (which primarily involve a reindeer/human hybrid named Tony Tony Chopper) can be seen at Shadowlord Inc. (here are links for the original show, the third movie, the fourth movie, and the fifth). But Daymon has found a clip from episode 290 that's not yet on the site, so give him a hand.

EDIT: Daymon has also alerted me to a wolfman transformation in episode 286:


Kumaguma said...

The fifth movie links takes you to the fourth movie scenes

Apuleius said...

Thanks for catching that! The link should now be fixed.

Kumaguma said...

One Piece also has two transformation scenes in Episode 286 where one character transforms into his giraffe form while the other transforms into his wolf-human hybrid form. I can't really find a clip of both but the episode is easy to find

Kumaguma said...

Have heard of Area D - Inou Ryouiki, there are transformations in the arc called Chains of the Beast King that has it running through the entire arc. Here is where the transformation starts: http://www.mangareader.net/area-d-inou-ryouiki/52/8. There is an earlier transformation scene where an Altered transforms and escapes from prison: http://www.mangareader.net/area-d-inou-ryouiki/44/10.I haven't been reading the manga lately but there might be more

Apuleius said...

I hadn't heard of that manga, but I'll definitely use the transformations for the July 19 update. I'll download a copy and post the pictures directly on the blog. And you're right, there's another transformation later on. Thanks again!

Vanzily said...

Looks there´s another tf in the final pages and the chapter 53 in the first pages turn into a werewolf

Vanzily said...

Well, I guess is necesary to check the more chapters, because have more tf stuff, is not only a few, have more

Apuleius said...

Yes, there's also TF material in chapter 66.

Vanzily said...
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Vanzily said...

In the chapter 90 have a lizard tf