Saturday, November 7, 2015

Hemlock Grove (Werewolf Transformation)

 Update time! To be honest, I didn't get to upload everything I planned for this update, but I plan on making a few short updates later this month (expect lots of comics!). In the meantime, enjoy the new material, much of which was sent in or suggested by readers.

We begin with Hemlock Grove--the first episode of the third (and final) season has yet another skin-ripping transformation. I've already made clear that I'm not fond of that method of metamorphosis (by over-emphasizing gore it skimps on the rest of the process) but I know some folks would like to see it. Keep in mind that the special effects budget seems to decreased this season, so this TF is not as convincing as the show's first (which can be seen, along with the later TF scenes, at Dutchbull's site).

On a related note, our friend Ogrebear came across this Brazilian video made for Hemlock Grove's promotional campaign. It's supposed to be prank video, though I bet the bystanders were really actors.


Dash master 48 said...

Can't wait to see the other updates.

This may sound stupid, but when's the first additional update?

I hope it is soon...

Meaninglez said...

Yeah. They REALLY cut the budget for this one.
Bums me out, but I'm sure it won't be the last shedding transformation I see.

Apuleius said...

I'll try and post more within the next week and a half.

Dash master 48 said...

I think that Kouta to inves TF CAN be done. Again, it's towards Kamen Rider Gaim's end.

Anonymous said...

Did something go wrong?

Apuleius said...

Thanksgiving travel and a professional writing assignment got in the way. I have a lot of stuff to post and will try to put one or two items up before the end of the montgh, with more to come in December.

Dash master 48 said...

It's been ages since an update...

Jäger Hound said...

When should we expect to see the next update??

Anonymous said...

Is Apuleius even around?

Apuleius said...

Apuleius is around. He's also very busy, but hopes to update over the weekend.