Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Tiger and Wolf (Werewolf and Weretiger Transformations)

Here's a slightly strange movie: Tiger and Wolf (2013) seems to have been inspired by the Twilight craze, since the story involves lots of shirtless high school hunks turning into werewolves and weretigers (which are part of Thai folklore). But despite what you're about to see, most of the movie is live-action--only the parts involving werecreatures are animated. Now, on one hand that's an interesting way to cut costs. One the other, the animation looks like it was made in two hours on the director's mac. Nevertheless, it's an interesting experiment. Towards the end, you can see one of the live action characters shift into his animated counterpart.


Unknown said...

i wanted to ask if you had the full movie or just this i want to see it looks so cool

Apuleius said...

I have the full film, but I think you'd find it disappointing. There isn't much more animation than what I've excerpted, and the live action is a bit dull.

Unknown said...

is ok i want to see it i never seen a thai moive

Apuleius said...

Okay, send me a message using the "Send me a howl!" feature at the bottom of the page.

MarkOne said...

Yeah, I'm curious to see the full film as well.

Apuleius said...

Mark, send me a message using the "Send me a howl!" feature at the bottom of the page. Just keep in mind that the film is very low-budget and you've already seen the best parts.

Unknown said...

I also wanna see it

Unknown said...

How do I see the full film

Sky Van Helsing said...

qual o nome desse filme?

Anonymous said...


M.Saipul Aziz said...

aku mau flim nya