Monday, August 22, 2016

Comics Links Roundup! (Horse, Werewolf, Monster, Mouse, Dog, and Lizard Transformations)

Here are links to various comics I've found around the web:

* A NSFW werewolf transformation from the Brazilian comic Gangue Dos Monstros 1 - The Wolfman. Read it from the start.

* From Regular Show #30, Rigby the Racoon undergoes a dirty monster transformation, starting here.

* An anonymous commenter recommends Deadpool Annual #2. Deadpool, while impersonating Spider Man, confronts a villain called the Masssster, who's trying to turn Manhattan into mice to feed his snakes. Deadpool screws up his plan and the Massssster gets turned into a giant mouse.

* A werewolf transformation from the webcomic Exoterism, starting here.

* A partial canine transformation from Kemono no Sho Nijuuni - Book of The Beast. It's NSFW and begins here.

* A quick transformation of a lizard man into a lizard, from World of Wood #01.

* An anonymous commenter recommends the manga Gleipnir, whose the protagonist transforms into a sadistic monster dog Mascot. Transformations occur in chapters one, two, six, seven, and ten.

For the finale, three NSFW horse transformation comics by Mamabliss:
* "Special Delivery"
* "The Rookie"
* "An American Werehorse in London"

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