Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Chico Bento Moço (Werewolf Transformation)

In issue 36 of this popular Brazilian comic, the town is terrorized by a rampaging werewolf (lobisomem in Portuguese). The hero (the titular Chico) attempts to capture the beast but doesn't realize the werewolf is...himself!


Unknown said...

I am sad there's no english version of this comic, not even a fan translation, cause the art is very cute.

Apuleius said...

Glad you liked it! This was very hard to track down--Brazilian shopping websites are almost impossible for foreigners to use, but I found that a fan had been photographing his copies and uploading them to ISSU.

Anonymous said...

They talk with a countryside accent, so I roughly tried to maintain some of it in the translation:
Chico: Y'know if something threatens my loved ones...
...I turn into a beast!
*knock knock*
Wait! I'll open!
Zé: Eiii, easy!
I came to return your frying pan!
Maybe You'll need it to make an omelette or...
Chico? Why're you starin' at me like that?
Rosinha: It's not at you, Zé, it's at the moon!
Zé: Damn! Get outta there, Rosinha!
Rosinha: Chico!
Oh my God!
*tf ensures*

Apuleius said...

Thank you for the translation, it makes the scene even better!