Monday, February 26, 2018

Breadwinners (Monster Transformations)

Many thanks to Featherwolf for not only finding this clip but also sending it to me. Much appreciated! I'll let Featherwolf describe what you're about to see:
Here's one more for you! The clip comes from a show called "Breadwinners" [season 2, episode 34?]. Terrible show but an episode called "Bad Zituation" houses an awesome muscle growth/monster transformation. The two main characters eat monster bread and turn into hulking monsters when they visit a monster island. The episode is nearly impossible to find since there's next to no record of it anywhere (apparently it aired in the UK months before the US and the titles and episode numbers are all messed up), but luckily I grabbed the full episode months ago and cropped it down to the good part:


Illuminator said...

Where did you get the episode from? I so badly wanna rewatch all of them

Apuleius said...

The clip was sent to me by a reader. You can watch the show here:

Anonymous said...

Caine (Amazing Digital Circus)

Anonymous said...