Wednesday, July 4, 2018

"Knuckleheads," and "Swallow" (Werewolf Transformations)

Some lycanthropy from a rather ugly-looking Canadian computer-animated show called Knuckleheads (episode 12):

And a werewolf scene from an Australian live-action short film called Swallow. The video can't be cued, so scroll to the 06:28 mark:

9B. SWALLOW (short Film) from Lulu McClatchy on Vimeo.


jeff said...

actually that confinment scene is a bear. not a werewolf. creator said so himself in the description

Kumaguma said...

Thanks for telling me about that I will try to fix it as soon as possible. Should have read the description. Woo, I love bears.

Ian Ricky said...

That Swallow though, why does he put his clothes back on when he starts transforming. Kinda bit disappointing since he was shirtless when he is in the wood Lol.