Friday, August 31, 2018

Update and Disenchantment (Pig transformation)

Daymon, here with the update for this month and to start it with a transformation from the Netflix Original, Disenchantment, where a prince drinks a concoction of elf and pig's blood that transforms into a pig right when he's about to marry a princess. Here is the scene and the video comes courtesy of Makaio and Kwipper for capturing and rendering the video (sorry for not mentioning you sooner, Kwipper):

Also here is a link to download the clip if you want:


Anonymous said...

When is the next update happening?

Apuleius said...

Some time within the next two weeks. It would have happened earlier but my computer has been extremely sluggish.

Featherwolf said...

There might be something worthwhile in the recent Teen Titans Go Halloween episode. The description says they get "transformed into monsters". I haven't had time to check the episode so I don't know if it's just some cartoony transformation but I thought I'd let you know.

Apuleius said...

Great minds think alike Featherwolf--I watched that episode a few days ago. There's a quick werewolf transformation that I will use in the upcoming update.

Stanton said...

There are a lot of transformations in last year's Treehouse of Horror XXIX, especially the "Geriatric Park" section