Monday, November 11, 2019

Creepshow (Werewolf Transformations)

Episode two of the TV series Creepshow is titled "Bad Wolf Down" and set during World War II. A group of three American soldiers are holed up in a small house under siege by the Nazis. Inside with them is a dying woman who turns out to be a suicidal werewolf. The Americans give her a silver cross to commit suicide with, and in return she bites the three soldiers, who transform into werewolves and kill all the Nazis who attack the house.

This is obviously a low-budget show, because the transformations are depicted as comic book pages, flipped before the viewer's eyes. They're not live-action or even animated, but the comic panels are well-drawn. I know some people were disappointed by this, but if the only alternatives were off-camera transformations or really cheap CGI, then I'm okay with the comics effect.

But since these are more comic than live-action transformations, I've decided to add screencaps of each panel below the video. Enjoy!

Now for the screencaptures. Due to the annoying "page flip," different frames of each panel have been partially obscured, so I've occasionally repeated frames from the same panel in order to show the full image.

First we have the rookie:

Next, his older comrade:

Finally, the middle-aged Captain:

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