Monday, April 6, 2020

"Seek," "Hatena Illusion" & "Danino Yogurt" (Age Progression, Age Regression and Muscle Growth)

Here are three items involving age progression and the other age regression.

Starting with the latter, here is a commercial for Seek (an employment company) that involves a man aging down by 72 years:

The next two clips approach aging from different directions but they meet in the same place: muscle growth!

My thanks to APninja for recommending a scene from episode 11 of the anime Hatena Illusion,
where an old butler turns into a young and very well muscled jock:

Here is an Australian yogurt commercial from 1995. Lucky Aussies! I don't recall anything like this on American TV...


Jun Aquino said...

Seek is an employment company.

Apuleius said...

Thanks Jun, I'll edit the post to include that!

Anonymous said...

I want HUNDRED-BILLIONS more like this!!!!!!!