Monday, June 21, 2021

At last, the summer update is live! Thank you for your patience. We have 33 new items. My apologies to anyone whose suggestions I haven't yet attended to. 

Blogger seems to have eliminated the "reactions" function, so please let us know what posts you like or don't.

The War of Werewolf (Werewolf Transformation)

Our thanks to วรั้ย on our Discord channel for finding and recommending this new Chinese movie. 

The War of Werewolf (半狼传说) looks like the sort of low-budget TV movie that would air on the SyFy channel if it was made in the USA, but it's evidence that werewolves might be growing more popular in China. And what better place for them to grow popular in the country with world's biggest population? I should also note that the lead actor, Zijian Wu, is very handsome. 

The highest quality copy I could download had Arabic subtitles, so please ignore them. This clip is assembled from three different scenes. As you can see, CGI is used for the brief transformation but the werewolf itself is a guy in a suit (well, half of one). And since this is a Chinese action/fantasy film, the werewolf is good at martial arts and can float on wires... 

Castorama, "Changer nous fait avancer" (Beaver Transformation)

This has to be the first live-action beaver transformation we've featured on the blog! It's a commercial for a French retailer of home improvement tools and supplies. If only more commercials were like this...

Thanks to Budhudd on our Discord channel for the recommendation.

Camp Monster: The Mauler (Boar Transformation)

Thanks to an anonymous commenter for suggesting this short horror film. An overweight boy gets picked on by bullies who have made a serious mistake...

Klaw V.12 (Bear and Tiger Transformations)

This looks like the last volume of the French comic series abut shapeshifters. We covered the first  volumes in a lengthy post from 2015, along with a follow-up. Now we arrive at volume 12, which starts with a bear transformation:

Another character turns into a tiger:

A very quick bear-shift:

And back to the main protagonist as he switches back and forth from bear to man:

"The Hidden Dungeon that Only I Can Enter" & "Digimon Savers" (Muscle Growth & Dragon Transformation)

And now an anime muscle growth pairing...

Our thanks to a reader named "Muscle," who suggested this scene from episode 10 of The Hidden Dungeon that Only I Can Enter. If the cue doesn't work, the muscle growth begins at 15:21:

In Digimon Savers a character named Ivan transforms into a "BioSpinomon" in episode 32.

Les contrées sauvages (Werewolf Transformation)

Les contrées sauvage ("The Wilderness") is a French translation of several stories by the great manga artist Jiro Taniguchi. The last story, from 2010, is "Les innommables" (The Unspeakable) and involves a trio of characters (a young man, older one, and young woman) who gather round a tree and transform into wolves.

Amityville: The Awakening & Bonus (Muscle Growth Transformation)

Ian Ricky provides the video for this 2017 horror film. A brain-dead, emaciated teenager (played by Cameron Monaghan) is possessed by a demonic entity who uses his body as a vessel.

The muscle growth starts at 3:01 and continues to 04:13. The possession is at 01:50 and reversion at 09:50.

And for the bonus, here is some brief muscle growth from the 2011 animated film Ronal The Barbarian, suggested by an anonymous commenter:

Les Captainz (Monster & Muscle Growth Transformation)

This French "bande dessinée" is a parody of American superhero comics. The protagonists are all superheroes named Captain. One of them is Captain Bisou ("Kiss"), who transforms into a giant red monster whenever he's kissed:

The reversion scene:

A mini TF:

At the climax the heroes are captured by the villain--to free them extreme measures must be taken...

A final reversion on the final page:

Sweet Home (Demon/Monster Transformation)

Our thanks to Ian Ricky for contributing this clip from episode 10 of the Korean TV series Sweet Home. Actor Song Kang plays a suicidal high school student who moves into a new home after his family is killed in a car accident. He finds himself caught in the middle of an apocalypse and becomes a demonic being.

Trese (Dog Transformations)

My thanks to Pareidolon on our Discord channel for suggesting this video. He writes, "the Netflix series Trese has a couple were-dog or 'sigbin' characters who transform in episodes 2 and 3, though it's fairly quick."

Spider-Man: Curse of the Man-Thing (Lizard and Plant Transformations)

In the first issue the Lizard and Man-Thing meet in their human forms (they're both scientists). The Lizard transforms, and then during a fire-fight the Man-Thing germinates from some plant matter. 

Immortal Hulk: Great Power (Muscle Growth & Hulk Transformations)

Spider-Man hulks out in this one-shot. The transformation is brief, so I included a couple pages of Spider-Hulk in action:

Animation by Paul Strong (Donkey and Worm/Serpent Transformations)

Digital animator Paul Strong has provided links to two of his shorts. Both are NSFW.

The first is a partial donkey transformation:

The second species is harder to describe...make your own guess!

I think it's a cross between a worm and serpent...

In any case, Paul's Patreon is here

Werewolf Illustrations

This post is devoted to various werewolf images found in books and other non-comic printed media.

We start with images from A Practical Guide to Monsters, found and photographed by @wereshere on twitter:

The next image is from Werewolves: Behind the Legend:

The next two images are from Freaks!: How to Draw Fantastic Fantasy Creatures (Thanks to Nex for the info):

From an Australian Gillette ad:

Ian Ricky has contributed the next image, a card of Jon Talbain from the Darkstalkers series, produced for the Universal Fighting System (UFS) game, titled Phases of the Moon (048/126)

Attack on Goku (Ape Transformation)

 This animated parody of Dragonball and Attack on Titan begins with Goku undergoing his familiar Oozaru (great ape) transformation. 

Gespenster Geschichten (Age Regression)

I don't have much information on this German comic (I don't even know what issues these stories came from) but here are the ends of two stories that show men regressing into babies. 

From "Das Geheimis des Zaubertrankes":

From "Die Flasche mit dem Teufelstrank":

Blackwater (Werewolf Transformations)

The protagonist of this supernaturally-themed webcomic is Tony, a trouble-making "heartthrob track star" and, starting in chapter 3, a heartthrob werewolf too. 

His first transformation begins here

A brief second one

The third transformation.

The fourth starts here

Chances are good we'll see more! 

Video Round-Up 06/21 (Tiger, Alien, Hulk and Werewolf Transformations)

Here is a group of various transformation videos found on the web, primarily from aspiring animators, though in one case the film is live action and in another the animators are professionals.

First, a weretiger:

Next, a showreel with a werewolf:

Omar Ibrahim Showreel from On Look Films on Vimeo.

A suggestion from an anonymous commenter--an alien metamorphosis based on John Carpenter's The Thing:

From the same channel, a Hulk transformation:

Another werewolf, this time on a pirate ship! Thanks to Mike for suggesting it. 

An anonymous commenter suggested the following animation, almost certainly by a professional. I have the feeling I've posted this before but I'm not entirely sure... 

Here's the live action video, a homemade werewolf from episode 5 the web series "More Than Just Me," recommended by Ian Ricky:

Hitomoe Iinkai (Dragon Transformation)

Thanks to Sumiko from our Discord channel for finding this supplementary transformation from Hitomoe linkai (covered in a previous post). In this supplement a man drinks a potion given to him by a friend and transforms into a dragon:


A.M. Studio (Muscle Growth and Werewolf Transformation)

A.M. Studios makes CG animation that involves muscle growth, aside from the exception at the bottom.

A transformation into a mountain of muscles:


"Black Muscle Transformation":


Muscle Growth Lab Experiment:


Muscle Growth Transformation:


Last but not least, a Werewolf Transformation:


Dragon Transformation Animations

 Here are a pair of animations found on YouTube. 

RE:Zero 23 (Weretiger transformation and Reversion)

In episode 23, Garfiel is fighting his enemies with only a gauntlet. He transforms to kill the Demon Beast in spectacular fashion, but not without exhaustion:

Legend of the Dragon (Werewolf Transformation and Reversion)

Thanks to metabee17 from our Discord server for finding these scenes from episode 22. A scientist has used a formula to transform himself into a werewolf (17:00):

 But he can only stay that way if his collar is on (19:13):


Art Round-Up 06/21 (Various Animal Transformations and Age Progression)

Let's start with a vampire bat transformation from the webcomic Vamp Sabbath

Now we move on to art found on Twitter and FurAffinity...

From @FujoshiiNeko comes a Lycanroc sequence and a donkey sequence

From @z_j1341, a gif of a stocky man turning into a buff werewolf

A beefy minotaur by @Xantouke

An angry werewolf sequence from @ariyakonsuay

An ornery elephant from @mayobug_

Ian Ricky recommends several videos from LizSFX2016 on FurAffinity: "An Australian WereKangaroo in London", "Lizard Transformation in Virt-A-Mate test", and "Quest Failed - Minotaur TF"

From petplayer976, "fossil go brrr," a Megatherium (giant sloth) sequence

From @cig_tran, an animated fox

A dog sequence from @to7ny11

A group of goat, lion, and dragon drawings from @satumaimocat

From @koikoisararira, a falling fox

From @ragingwoodcock, an animated werewolf gif

A dragon sequence, "Running Start," by Nakase

A werewolf gif by amand4


From hereon, all posts are NSFW!

"The Transformation of Casey Jones," a turtle themed sequence by Plastron (part two here)

A bull sequence, "Lunar New You," by Punkchops

A sequence from Emerald-Eye, "Curiosity Filled the Cat." Parts One * Two * Three

A werewolf shifting on his bed, by @z_j1341

From @sniperoftython, the donkey sequence "Rey's Predicament." 

And from the same artist, another donkey sequence, titled "Nick's Grooming Problems." Nick's friend shows up, and soon afterward starts changing too. You can guess the end.

A beefy man-to-bull pic from @ShinOnizaru, who also drew this steamy werewolf, along with another hot-and-bothered lycanthrope and this great gorilla

A man-to-boar sequence from @gymjunkiemuscle

"Date night mishap," a werewolf sequence by petplayer976

A folder containing the werewolf comic "BIILS," by VonBoche

A weightlifting lion sequence by OtherWords

"Aedrion and Stags," a deer sequence by Navajas

"It's not Paw-sible!!!", a werewolf picture by Sparks_99

A "Kinky Dragon" sequence by costin55 -- 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 (Thanks to Ian Ricky for the recommendation.

An age progression video by Agegrowthfictions. The listing is on Deviantart but the full video is on Dropbox. Remember that this is definitely NSFW!

Dragon Quest: Dai's Great Adventure (Monster Transformation)

In episode 29, Baran, seething with rage, transforms into his "Dragon Knight" form to crush his son's allies and get to him:

Hortensia Saga (Werewolf Transformation)

In episode 12 Rugis is accused of being a traitor by the king; his negative emotions react to a magical artifact that transforms into a werewolf. Later in the episode he transforms again, thanks to the intervention of a defeated adviser, and reveals himself as the killer of the king:

Shin Getter Robo vs. Neo Getter Robo (Dinosaur Transformation)

Gou is fighting with an odd-looking opponent in an underground match. After getting beaten, the opponent transforms into a dinosauroid form and gains the advantage:

Resident Evil (Various Monster and Zombie Transformations)

Someone in Japan has assembled a 26 minute supercut of all the transformation scenes from the Resident Evil games. Not being a gamer, I can't tell you anything more about the content.

See U in History (Werewolf Transformation)

This motion-comic depicts the myth of Lycaon, who served Zeus human flesh. The angry god turned him and his descendants into lupine beasts for their transgression.


DOTA: Dragon's Blood (Dragon Transformation)

Davion is a Dragon Knight, a warrior whose job is to slay draconic beings. Assaulted by a gang of bandits, he transforms into a dragon-human hybrid and proceeds to kill them until he sees his old weapon and reverts:

Guardian of Justice (Werewolf Transformation)

Last October we posted a clip from an unknown Chinese film. Thanks to Ian Ricky we can now present more scenes from it, along with its title, Guardian of Justice (光明守护者, 2020). Some timecodes for your convenience:

0:36 Werewolf TF  /   1:26 Revert  /   2:40 Hybrid TF  (obviously ripped off from Underworld!)/   4:15 Hybrid  TF   /   5:49  Hybrid TF

Kakabakaba (Insect and Monster Transformations)

 Thanks to Ian Ricky for going through the episodes of this old Filipino fantasy series. 

In the first clip a merman creature who had taken human shape reverts to its true form (at 03:20)

In the second clip a cockroach alien has invaded earth and disguised himself as a young man. 

At 02:52 he reverts to insect form, and again at 04:04, and at 05:00. Finally, he reverts to his more feral form at 05:27.

Vampiyan Kids (Werewolf Transformation)

Papa Vampiyan is a vampire but can also turn into a werewolf whenever he sees a full moon or similar object. The transformation occurs in episode one and is re-used multiple times in later episodes. 

Saturday, June 5, 2021

We've had several inquiries about when the next update will be. Now that life is returning to normal, free time is shrinking. This weekend is taken up with work and the next with family issues, but I can promise you that the blog will be updated by Monday, June 21. If time opens up we might even update before then. Thank you for your patience and suggestions.