Monday, June 21, 2021

Video Round-Up 06/21 (Tiger, Alien, Hulk and Werewolf Transformations)

Here is a group of various transformation videos found on the web, primarily from aspiring animators, though in one case the film is live action and in another the animators are professionals.

First, a weretiger:

Next, a showreel with a werewolf:

Omar Ibrahim Showreel from On Look Films on Vimeo.

A suggestion from an anonymous commenter--an alien metamorphosis based on John Carpenter's The Thing:

From the same channel, a Hulk transformation:

Another werewolf, this time on a pirate ship! Thanks to Mike for suggesting it. 

An anonymous commenter suggested the following animation, almost certainly by a professional. I have the feeling I've posted this before but I'm not entirely sure... 

Here's the live action video, a homemade werewolf from episode 5 the web series "More Than Just Me," recommended by Ian Ricky:

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