Monday, November 15, 2021

A Tale Dark and Grimm (Monster Transformation)

In "Chapter the Third: Brother and Sister," Hansel is afflicted with a curse due to his hunger and greed and transforms into a beast (which looks like a werewolf with horns) that has a never-ending thirst for blood. 

We've edited this clip to also show Hansel's gradual mental transformation. You'll notice that though this show is computer animated, the transformation scene is hand-drawn, because computer animation for TV cartoons still can't render adequate transformation scenes. I think if the entire show had been hand-drawn we might have seen Hansel transform more onscreen. 

Note: we usually try to avoid duplicating material already featured at Shadowlord Inc., but since this post was drafted before Shadowlord's recent update we've made an exception. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YES!!!!!! I love you showing the mental transformations AS PART OF the physical transformations! SPOILER: that is what made Kaneki so great! Both mental and physical. My goodness... no one will ever compare...

(P.S. Although this transformation is not quite Kaneki level, please do keep showing the mental transformation as well... I think that you also did it in the Tatoeba Dungeon insect transformation too!)