Wednesday, July 5, 2023

High Moon: Bullet Holes and Bite Marks (Werewolf, Bat and Demon Transformations)

High Moon was one of the first professionally produced webcomics. We covered it many years ago, but it's now been collected in the graphic novel Bullet Holes and Bite Marks (art by Steve Ellis), which is a good reason to showcase the opening chapters. 

The comic opens in old west Texas, with bounty hunter Macgregor tracking down wanted man Eddie Conroy (seen in the wanted poster):

Two more pictures of the characters in human form, starting with Macgregor:

And Conroy, the werewolf:

Conroy turns out not to be the villain of the series, as we see when he encounters a pair of bat demons:

Conroy's hanging is interupted by Macgregor. As the pair fight the demons, it's revealed that Macgregor is also a werewolf (he becomes a demonic looking one):

Macgregor doesn't survive his ordeal, but Conroy does, and he assumes Macgregor's name. Later on he confronts another werewolf:

In the later chapters we get a brief glimpse of Conory wolfing out:

And a flashback to when he was first bitten:

Lastly, there's a scene of Conroy picking up a hammer and transforming into a demonic werewolf as he attacks a demon:

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