Friday, June 12, 2015

Conan the Adventurer (Werewolf and Bat Transformations)

Reader Daymon suggested posting some of the many transformation scenes from the cartoon series Conan the Adventurer.
Clips used to be on Shadowlord Inc and Dragoniade will probably re-upload them in the near future, but in the meantime here's a taster of scenes from episode 52, "Thorns of Midnight." All of the clips have been cued.

First comes one of the best werewolf transformations from an 80s cartoon.

Thorns of Midnight

Second is a similarly well-done bat TF:

Thorns of Midnight

Lastly, two characters turned into ordinary wolves during an earlier episode transform back into human,s complete with magically-appearing clothes:

Thorns of Midnight
Thank you Daymon, for this neat blast from the past!


Kumaguma said...
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Kumaguma said...

There is a transformation scene that I have been looking for but can't seem to find it anywhere. The scene comes from the 2002 Canadian cartoon Olliver's Adventures and it is in the episode Wolfman Zack. I deleted my first comment because of I didn't make sure to add the email follow up

Apuleius said...

Hello Daymon,

Thanks for the suggestion. The video from Olliver's Adventures used to be on Shadowlord Inc. It will probably be re-uploaded there, but I'll look for a copy in the meantime. In my experience, Canadian cartoons are definitely harder to find.

Anonymous said...

If you do find the episode for Werewolf Zack, please be sure to share!