Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Art of Petplayer976 (Werewolf Transformations)

Today we're pairing an entry in the home-made werewolf animation series with one of our occasional art spotlights. The artist is Petplayer976. We'll start with her animations:

As her deviantart account also demonstrates, Petplayer is a big werewolf fan. Her art, like her animation, is anime inspired and has a spiky look and bouncy energy. When it comes to werewolves she loves drawing painful grimaces, popping/cracking flesh, exploding clothes, blood spurting from new claws, drool-leaking snouts, and monstrous glowing-eyes. Just what I like!

She's drawn several werewolf sequences, both for her own enjoyment and as commissions:

The first is "Shadow Werewolf," an early, rougher-looking work: 01. 02. 03. 04.

Her next sequence, "Night After Yesterday," is more assured: 01. 02. 03. 04.

"The Anniversary Gift" is something of a departure, since it features a were-panda! 01. 02.

"Prom Nightmare" returns to lupines:  01. 02. 03.

"Can't Fight the Moon":  01. 02.

"Wilson's Nightmare":  01. 02.

"Not Really the Night":  01. 02. 03. 04.

We take another departure with "Bloodshed," an alien Zergling TF:   01. 02. 03. 04. 05.

Back to wolves with "Sunrise," but this time it's a transformation back to humanity:  01. 02. 03. 04.

There are also some one-page works that depict werewolves in mid-transformation, such as "Bring The Pain," "Night Beast," "Contest Entry," and "Halloween in the Saints."

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