Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Avengers Assemble (Hulk Monster/Demon Transformation)

Thanks to Daymon for informing me of an unusual transformation on top of a transformation, from season 2, episode 22 ("Midgard Crisis"). Hulk is turned into an even more muscular demon or monster, complete with mane and long bone ridges.


Anonymous said...

Please check out the third episode of the second season of "Avengers Assemble". The episode is called 'Valhalla Can Wait'. It involves Hulk and Thor being trapped in Valhalla. While there, a wicked sorceress transformed Hulk into Bruce Banner. After Thor demanded her to stop the foolishness, she transformed the scientist back into the Hulk.

Apuleius said...

Hello Anonymous--thank you for the tip. However, I think this clip is on Dutchbull's site (he recently went through that season) as well as Shadowlord Inc. But thank you nevertheless!

Anonymous said...
