Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Various Transformations...and housekeeping

 * I would normally put this in a "Werewolf Roundup" post but there aren't many werewolves in this update, so here's a short video Daymon found called The Lone Wolf.  Very quick skin-ripping transformation, but the actor is cute:

* I updated the videos for Young Justice and Kutsal Damacana 2. The earlier videos were either low quality or dead. Muscle-growth fans will enjoy YJ; folks who like bizarre werewolves might enjoy KD2.

* Courtesy of Max Vang, here's a multi-arm transformation from Xenia: Warrior Princess:

* Vanzily has found more transformation scenes from the manga Kurozakuro--I've added them to the original post.

* Transformation writer T.F. Wright wishes to inform readers that he has written two stories and an ebook that involve male age progression.

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