Sunday, December 17, 2017

Werewolf Round-Up! (Various Werewolf Transformations from TV, comics, etc.)

And now a grab-bag of short lycanthropic metamorphoses...

As predicted, the werewolf episode of The Skinner Boys was disappointing (I've rarely seen a great transformation in flash animation), but since I put some effort into finding it, here you go:


More werewolfery from the French comic Le Collège Invisible (Vol. 13; for coverage of the earlier volumes, go here).


A brief metamorphosis from episode 4 of UQ Holder!: Mahou Sensei Negima! 2.


A neat gif from twitter:


A student animation find from Vimeo:


From issue 1 of Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow of the Vampire:


From Vampirella (Vol.3) #15:

And from issue 18:


The final item is from The Omen #1, and was recommended by Mr. Allen. The transformation was originally dispersed over several pages, so I had to edit most of the panels together into one spread--sorry if it looks strange. 


Anonymous said...

Sorry for the inconvenience. Was wondering where I might be able to read Vampirella #15 to #17. Wanted to show a friend about the werewolf pack in those comics.

Kumaguma said...

Okay we will look into that for the next update.

Apuleius said...

Anonymous, go to and search for "Vampirella" + "the pack"