Monday, January 29, 2018

Devilman Crybaby (Demon/Monster Transformations)

UPDATE TIME! After a brief January hibernation we've returned with a larger update than expected. Thanks to everyone who contributed suggestions. 2018 is off to a good start!


Thanks to Daymon, Max. V., and Ian Ricky for recommending this obviously popular (and stylish) new anime.

 Episode 1 has a minor demon transformation, followed by Devilman's first metamorphosis:

Episode 2 has a few bad guys turning into demons, followed by another Devilman morph:

From episode 3, a quick demon shift, then more of Devilman getting devilih (and reverting):

Episode 4 has more of our hero assuming devil form:

Episode 5 has Devilman transforming again, followed by a man turning into an electrical demon, followed by Devilman reverting. This clip also includes a short demon transformation from episode 10.

Lastly, episode 6 opens with a NSFW dream sequence of a guy turning into a demon. Then Devilman undergoes another transformation. Finally, the guy who had the bad dream turns into a bull demon, and a Devilman transforms to stop him:


featherwolf said...

Found a muscle growth/monster transformation in an episode of Teen Titans Go!. The episode is called "Snuggle Time" and Beast Boy turns himself into a hulking monster. Surprisingly good transformation for what it's worth. Haven't seen it anywhere before despite it being a 2016 episode.

Apuleius said...

Thanks Featherwolf! We'll definitely look that up.

Featherwolf said...

Here's one more for you! The clip comes from a show called "Breadwinners". Terrible show but an episode called "Bad Zituation" houses an awesome muscle growth/monster transformation. The two main characters eat monster bread and turn into hulking monsters when they visit a monster island. The episode is nearly impossible to find since there's next to no record of it anywhere (apparently it aired in the UK months before the US and the titles and episode numbers are all messed up), but luckily I grabbed the full episode months ago and cropped it down to the good part. You can download the video here:!0IYSzbyZ

Featherwolf said...

Whoops, posted without the key. Here's the new link:!0IYSzbyZ!zjoOZ1hbsQV9K0469hEC5BBUJv2Hy4qeYE0l8UtO9j4

Apuleius said...

Thanks again Featherwolf! Especially for so kindly providing a link. I'm going to try and do a short update within the next two weeks.