Wednesday, October 31, 2018

"Something Human" and "Legacies" (Werewolf Transformations)

Two unrelated werewolf transformations are grouped together because neither was strong enough on its own...

First, a music video for the band Muse and its song "Something Human." I have no idea what's going on but there is some lycanthropy:

Second, a werewolf metamorphosis from the first episode of Legacies. It has the same problem as the werewolf transformations on its parent shows,The Vampire Diaries and The Originals: a great build-up but no follow-through. Right when the transformation starts to get juicy they cut to a fully-morphed wolf. Grrrrr!
Anyway, the video is cued to 00:58--keep watching up to 1:05 and then skip ahead to 1:42.

I suppose shows like Legacies skimp on werewolf metamorphoses because they're expensive. But let's remember that the original British series of Being Human was so low-budget it couldn't afford CGI and yet had some of the best werewolf transformations ever made for TV. Here are the show's storyboards:


Wuschel said...

The being Human video is only available in the UK. :<
Can you rip the video and host it on a different site please?

Apuleius said...

Hello Wuschel,

I'm very sorry to hear the video has geoblocking. I'll try to rip and host it elsewhere this weekend.