Sunday, March 17, 2019

The Magicians, The Order, and Shadowhunters (Werewolf Transformations)

I've grouped these scenes together since they're all live-action transformations from TV programs with obviously limited budgets.

We'll start with a dream sequence from The Magicians (season 4, episode 4):

Next, The Order, a new Netflix series. This was a disappointment, since werewolves play a large part in the series (the central character is one), but there are no complete onscreen transformations. Instead there are partial TFs of the hero in episode 3 and a glimpse of his fully transforming shoulder in episode 4, as you'll see below. My thanks to Paraeidolon for the video.

Lastly we come to Shadowhunters (episode 46) for another very short, partially glimpsed transformation--primarily a bit back shifting, which leaves us wanting to see more. My thanks to weremaster1989 for the video:


Azi_MexyWolf said...

The Order has some of the best transformation I've seen ever. I love the "living fur/hide" idea. It makes the way they handle the instant "pop" tf as more legit since the form is under the skin. I love it.

Azi_MexyWolf said...

As far as Shadowhunters. I ONLY started watching because of that sweet, sweet werewolf muzzle tf. God dang it's hot and I want 2 hours of that. Lol