Monday, December 21, 2020

BEM: Become Human (Demon & Monster Transformations)

 BEM: Become Human is the spin-off film of the anime series Humanoid Monster Bem. The clip below is a supercut of all the transformation scenes in the film. Since it's lengthy, I've provided a list of the scenes.

0:00 A thug transforms into a yokai (Japanese demon).
1:21 The protagonist Bem starts transforming into a yokai.
1:48 Bem's fake children transform into yokai, while the villain taunts him on the phone. After slaying the monsters, Bem goes outside and finds the townsfolk turning into yokai as well.
3:28 Bem enters the villain's headquarters and fights a yokai security guard.
3:40 Bem confronts one of the secondary villains, who turns into a metallic monster.
4:45 Bem meets with his young ally Belo, who can also turn into a yokai (a good one).
4:54 Bem finally confronts the main villain. He fully transforms into a yokai, but the villain responds by turning into a giant white monster. 
6:03 Bem's yokai form grows more monstrous.

Note: We plan posting the TF scenes from the series as well, but they're mostly computer morphs and thus inferior to the 2D animated transformations in this clip. 


Seiryuu said...
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Seiryuu said...

There's a brief one at around 27:53 in the movie that you missed, where a huge security guard begins transforming before it cuts to the next scene.