Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Ben 10 (Tiger, Wolf and Monster Transformations)

Here are some of the more interesting transformations from the final two seasons of the 2016 reboot of Ben 10. I wish they weren't so brief...

Kevin 11 turns into a werewolf-like alien called Bashmouth (season 3, ep. 19):

Here's a different version of the Bashmouth transformation (s3e43):

Kevin also undergoes some transformations into...

...a rock-monster called Crystal Fist (s3e11):

...a four-armed muscle monster called Quad Smack (s3e20):

...a spindly alien called Dark Matter (s3e49):

...and an amalgam of monsters (s3e13):

As for Ben, there wasn't enough time to go through all of his transformations, so I decided to focus on one of the more interesting ones, into a tiger humanoid called Rath. There are four different versions of this transformation:

Season 3, episode 18:

S3, episode 49: 

Season 4, ep. 7:

S3 ep. 17:


Anonymous said...

Great one!

Anonymous said...

Ben tfs are so hot