Tuesday, January 25, 2022

"Kirkewood," "Overstay," "Fool Moon" & "Taming Master" (Monster and Werewolf Transformations)

How about another webcomic round-up?

From the webtoon Kirkewood:

In episode 30, Bernard comes home from work and starts to transform into a monster while taking off his clothes.

In episode 32 Bernard undergoes a stressful situation and partially transforms after getting angry.


From the single-episode webtoon Fool Moon: a werewolf college student defends his study partner from another werewolf.


From the webcomic Overstay

Alex gets bitten by his werewolf girlfriend as the sun sets and moon rises (the transformation continues over several more pages).

Later on, Alex is at work and starts transforming at the office thanks to his overactive imagination (the full transformation continues across the following pages)


Chapter 48 of the manwha Taming Master features a man/wolf merge. Scroll down halfway for the TF (thanks anonymous commenter).


Note: The link for Escape in our previous "Webtoon Roundup" has been fixed.

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