Sunday, March 31, 2024

Hellhounds (Werewolf Transformation)

Welcome to the spring update! We sat out the winter because it was a terrible one for finding TF content. And even if we had made a few small updates, they wouldn't have been very exciting. So thank you for your patience and we hope you enjoy the 27 new items. Thanks as always to everyone who gave us tips and suggestions. 

Back when I started this blog in 2010, werewolves were extremely popular in movies and TV, thanks to the after-effects of Twilight. How things have changed! They've mostly disappeared from TV (computer-animated cartoons usually steer clear of TF scenes). And when a werewolf movie appears it's either going for the novelty value of a female werewolf or it's one of those worthless zero-budget indies. 

Hellhounds is definitely in the low-budget category and the morphing effects are from of the 1990s, but the latter raise it slightly above its bargain basement competition (and the lead is easy on the eyes). 

This clip was cut together from many different scenes, so apologies for the choppy transitions (Avidemux only allows me to cut on key frames). First we see the young protagonist transform, then we get a second TF scene; then our hero encounters an older werewolf and they both transform; finally, the younger werewolf reverts and the older one transforms again. 

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