Monday, September 16, 2024

Animorphs: The Predator (Alien, Lobster, Scorpion, Ant, Tiger, Gorilla Transformations)

Volume 5 of the Animorphs Graphic Novel series directly follows volume 4 (posted elsewhere in this update, scroll up), which introduced the alien Ax, who can morph into a human. On the cover we see him morphing back into an alien:

That's a preview of things to come. Beforehand we see Ax morphing to jis human form.

Our heroes head to the mall, where Ax draws attention to himself and gets chased by the mall cops. The stress makes him turn back into an alien:

To hide from the authorities, our heroes turn into lobsters:

They get purchased and taken to someone's home. Just as they're about to be boiled alive they revert:

Afterward, Marco has a nightmare where he and Jake partially transform into scorpions:

Later on they turn into ants but find themselves under attack and turn back into humans:

And in the finale, Marco and Jake turn into a gorilla and tiger:


Note: I've occasionally reordered and recombined panels, so blame confusing pages on me rather than the artist. I wanted to focus on the transformation scenes and minimize the amount of pages posted.

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