Monday, September 16, 2024

Art Round-Up & Fixed Links 10/24 (Various Animal Transformations and Muscle Growth)

First off, I'd like to report several fixed links:

Gokudo (Age Progression)

The Mask Animated Series (Age Progression)

Boris e Rufus (Monster, Muscle Growth, and Age Progression Transformations)

Transylvania Rising (Werewolf Transformation)


And now for the fall art round-up! 

Click on this Artstation post by D. Frial to see designs, storyboard and an animation of a werewolf transformation. 

On to with the last art round-up, I've used to access Twitter posts. If the links don't work, try refreshing the page.

A monster sequence by @Bonkalore

A NFSW werewolf sequence by @Dixondoodles

Ian Ricky recommends a new muscle growth video featuring Andre the Growing Dragon by @Rusdraac [NSFW]

A werewolf animation by @AyuBearGuy

A dog comic by @Yakumomidori1


Now for some FurAffinity links (account required to view NSFW art):

A weremoose animation by Diffusemoose

"More Than Claws" by Frosty-Tian, parts one and two

"Under the Moonlight" by Surrii

"April 2024: Fox Terrier" by mkiiiconvertible

"Ape Out!" by DevilBrigade6

"V Transformation Portrait Sequence" [werewolf] by tandemonium

"A Lesson Learned" [reindeer] by Walnut45

"Seeing Red" by PineconePaladin


All the remaining FA links are NSFW:

"Horsing Around," a comic by Selezneva, who also drew the 25-page "Stallion"

"Just one Scratch" by FloodedUnder, parts one and two. The same artist also drew the orc-themed "New Job, New You"

"From The Tap," a dog sequence by Stickmanwww

"Werewolf transformation" by Malmalicious

"Orc TF" by ChumaGrach [look under the image to see the following pages of the sequence]

"[Body Swap] TF Room Party," [fox/kobold image] by Nyhgault

"Gwen's Doodle 2" [jaguar image] by TrixytheSpiderfox

"Choked into a [Werewolf] TF" by PineconePaladin

"TF Cam" [German Shepherd sequence] by Icarus-The-Lion [remaining pages under image]

"WIP_dog_treats" by Usedusername

From ZestyCuke, the dog-themed "Sensations" and "Product Testing"

"Werewolf Woes" by DirtyHorror

"Guard Duty" by HonestRadish

"A Family Visit" [werewolf comic] by Galuss [remaining pages under image]

A female-to-male sequence by Chesshire88


And here are three links from Pixv:

From Nojo come sequences involving a Bull and a Boar

A NSFW werewolf sequence by Cowardly Wolf

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