Monday, September 16, 2024

Kaitou Joker (Werewolf Transformations)

In volume 26, chapter 2 of this children's manga (also known as Mysterious Joker) the title character is turned into a werewolf.

The chapter opens with the characters watching a werewolf film:

Later on Joker battles one his enemies, who zaps him with ray that induces lycanthropy. Joker transforms under the full moon and goes home to attack his friends:

The bad guy sends a video that explains Joker will at first transform into a cute dog, but with each later transformation he will grow more bestial and eventually turn into a vicious werewolf and kill his friends:

Joker gets a little more beastly and tries to attack a friend before changing back:

During the subsequent full moon he finally becomes a proper werewolf:


By the way: Kaitou Joker later became an anime, but it ended before the werewolf story could be adapted. Afterward a bonus was created for fans: a pretend-trailer for the never-made fifth season. Very brief scenes from the anime were animated, including a couple from the werewolf chapter. I've cued the video to the (disappointing) transformation scene (at 2:50):

There's also a glimpse of Joker's full werewolf form at 04:15.


Anonymous said...

Whre I can read this manga chapter ?

Apuleius said...

It used to be available at as part of the reprint series, but is now under the paywall. It's never been translated and I couldn't find any raws. You'll probably have to purchase it from a Japanese e-manga site.