Saturday, December 28, 2024

Doomed (Monster Transformations)

Doomed was a short-lived comic series about a college student named Reiser who interned at a lab and accidentally was exposed to "doomsday spores" (from the Superman villain Doomsday) that turned him into a craggy red monster. 

The character first showed up in a "Sneak Peak" story in Superman: Convergence #2:

At the end he reverts to human form:

Issue #1 has a transformation on the cover, though not inside:

Issue 2 has another reversion:

Issue 3 has a flashback panel and then a transformation scene, which occurs when our hero goes looking for his aunt's dog:

Issue 4 has more reversions (with a bonus beefcake page):

In issue 5 our hero confronts Superman and transforms again:

Lastly, our hero reverts again in issue 6 (and finally finds his aunt's dog):

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