Saturday, December 28, 2024

Teen Titans: Earth One & Beast Boy: Lone Wolf (Cat, Wolf and Kaiju Transformations)

Teen Titans: Earth One was an alternate universe version of the team, and volume two features a couple Beast Boy transformations. I've re-edited and combined several panels and pages, so please forgive any choppy transitions. 

First we see Beast Boy revert back from wolf form:

Later that night he turns into some sort of cat (or wolf?) when the Titans are attacked:

Lastly, at the climax he turns back into a cat to combat the villain:

Let's switch media but not character, to the animated webseries Beast Boy: Lone Wolf. In this clip Beast Boy plans on taking on Starro but can't get the transformation right and gets depressed. But thanks to a motivational speech from Mikie, he ends up pushing himself to new heights and sizes:

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