Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Penn Zero: Part-Time Hero (Monster Transformation)

Update Complete! I'm not sure when the next update will be, since things are about to get very busy, but expect at least two next month, because I've still got lots of stuff in the pipeline. Thanks to everyone who sent in suggestions!

 Moving on to our flagship video...this is a transformation smorgasbord from episode 15b. The title character is transported to a Victorian world and drinks a potion that turns him into a Mr. Hyde monster (which is also a version of the show's recurring villain) whenever he gets impatient. Penn turns back to normal whenever he laughs. The transformations have been beautifully animated, and the glories of 2D stretch-and-squash animation are on full display.

Monster Transformation by blackjack60

Fresh Beat Band of Spies (Werewolf Transformation)

This is a very stupid kid's show, but episode 7 ("Werewolf Hairwolf") features a barber who transforms into a werewolf and invents a hairspray to infect his clients. I've edited the transformations together. Embedding didn't work with the host site, so watch it here.

Avengers Assemble (Hulk Monster/Demon Transformation)

Thanks to Daymon for informing me of an unusual transformation on top of a transformation, from season 2, episode 22 ("Midgard Crisis"). Hulk is turned into an even more muscular demon or monster, complete with mane and long bone ridges.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Berserk (Monster/Demon Transformation)

Another find from Daymon, from Berserk, episode 6: an orc-like monster goes demonic. I have a feeling there are more transformations to be found in this show..

Various Transformations...and housekeeping

 * I would normally put this in a "Werewolf Roundup" post but there aren't many werewolves in this update, so here's a short video Daymon found called The Lone Wolf.  Very quick skin-ripping transformation, but the actor is cute:

* I updated the videos for Young Justice and Kutsal Damacana 2. The earlier videos were either low quality or dead. Muscle-growth fans will enjoy YJ; folks who like bizarre werewolves might enjoy KD2.

* Courtesy of Max Vang, here's a multi-arm transformation from Xenia: Warrior Princess:

* Vanzily has found more transformation scenes from the manga Kurozakuro--I've added them to the original post.

* Transformation writer T.F. Wright wishes to inform readers that he has written two stories and an ebook that involve male age progression.


Daymon suggested posting from this comic, by the artist who created Earthworm Jim. Ratfist stars a superhero who wears a rat costume. While on a dinner date and out of costume, he turns even rattier..

Doujinshi by Ayukisa (Dragon, Dog, Eagle, and Tiger Transformations)

Daymon has tracked down several transformation-filled doujinshi (amateur comics) by a Japanese artist named Ayukisa. They are in the bara genre--gay manga that's written and drawn by men and features masculine male characters (as opposed to female-written yaoi and its effeminate guys). For that reason, they are not safe for work. The links below will take you to the complete comics.

* Dragon Hunt 2 (guess what animal the hero turns into...)

* Inu man (Dog TF)

* Secret Squadron San Kakurenja 2 (Eagle and Tiger TF)

Monday, August 17, 2015

Astro Fighter Sunred (Wolf Transformations)

This unusual anime (on second thought, that phrase is redudant) was suggested by Daymon, who also supplied the links. Hellwolf is "a stuffed wolf plush who can't speak properly and transforms into a monstrous wolf in full moon." That's all I know, and I can't tell you the episode titles either. The first video is from the YouTube account of TFFurryMaster, who used to post excellent TF videos and is sorely missed:

Here's a second wolf-out. I decided not to label these werewolf transformations, since the character is already a wolf...

G.I. Joe (Orca and Wolf Transformations)

This is a famous transformation, but I think Daymon is right to recommend posting it anyway.
It's from the season 2, episode 15 of the original G.I. Joe cartoon, titled "Iceberg Goes South."
Cobra ("a ruthless terrorist organization determined to rule the world!") is creating beast-men in the arctic, and Iceberg, one of the Joes, gets captured and transformed into a killer whale. I'm old enough to remember watching this episode when it first aired; this was one of the first transformation scenes to make a big impression on me as a child. 

Every time I try to embed the same video multiple times and with different cues, Youtube keeps fucking up the cues, so I'll have to give you cued links to the next scenes. So here's Iceberg's reversion to humanity. Lastly, here's one of Cobra's human-animal hybrid soldiers reverting from wolfman to plain man.

EDIT: Every available video of this episode seems to be severely cropped. I'm going to look for DVD-quality source material and will re-present this episode in a future update.

Cowa! (Koala Transformation)

Thanks to Daymon for suggesting this manga by Akira Toriyama, which features a child vampire who is also  a were-koala (repeat after me: only in Japan).
The first and best transformation begins here (there's a very quick one later on).

One Piece (Transgender Transformation)

Thanks to Elrey from the Process forum for suggesting this transgender scene from episode 448 of One Piece:

And if you like female transformation videos, be sure to check out the other videos on his account!

Friday, August 7, 2015

 EDIT (8/16): While you wait for the update (which should be done by Tuesday evening), take a look at Dutchbull's site, which updated early (something I have yet to accomplish).

Sorry everyone, I'll have to postpone the update. I'll try for Aug. 17 instead. Family matters necessitate my leaving town for a few days. The good news is that the next update will be even better than the last one!