Sunday, March 17, 2019

"Genjui Toteku" and "Sengoku Vamp" (Werewolf Transformations)

It's manga werewolf time! We begin with the one-shot Genjui Toteku (幻獣医トテク) about a special doctor who treats supernatural creatures. The first patient finds himself slowly turning into a lycanthrope:

The good doctor tracks him down and administers an antidote:

But the patient undergoes a remission:

Now for the second selection, taken from chapter 8 of Sengoku Vamp (戦国ヴァンプ). One of the characters has been transformed into a rather puppyish werewolf (offscreen) and is magically changed back, but with lingering effects...

And of course his mental control isn't too strong...


Kumaguma said...

I can't help but notice in that one-shot with the ears because it shows he has a second pair of ears but then when he transforms again his ear transforms to a wolf's. Just something I noticed.

Apuleius said...

Good eye! I hate when manga artists give anthro-animal characters two pairs of ears.

Anonymous said...

Hell yeah